Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

Is it just me or has this year just flown by? I have lots of great fairs and markets scheduled in before Christmas , and so the preparations have begun. At the end of this month I'm off to Wellington for Craft 2.0, so I've been stitching up some new zippitydoodahs as well as working on some of my waste not want knot items ( these are new things made from vintage & surplus textiles). Heres a little peak at some of the things that have been completed this week.. Owl upcycled hotwater bottles (made from 100% NZ wool blankets- perfect for Northern hemisphere xmas pressies) Morepork Doorstops ( also available unfilled for posting overseas), Tea cosies made from vintage embroidered teatray linen and lined with Laura Ashley retro fabrics, and of course plenty of Zippitydoodahs


  1. must have a Morepork in my life - but i think they are too wonderful to be doorstops

  2. They make great bookends too! They quite like perching on bookshelves :-)
